New Features 📈

  • Added Multi-threading to runtime
  • Added Asset Packaging
  • Added Sound Graphs
  • Added Gizmo support for multi-entity editing
  • Added Editor camera in play mode (ALT+C for now)
  • Added C# Animation Library
  • Added Debug Renderer
  • Added SpriteRendererComponent
    • Added ability to easily create 2D Sprites via Scene Hierarchy Panel
  • Added script creation through Hazelnut HZ-41, HZ-37
    • Added ability to create C# scripts from within Hazelnut
    • You can now open C# scripts in Visual Studio from Hazelnut by DOUBLE-CLICKING on the file in the Content Browser (opens in the first Visual Studio instance that you opened)
    • Creating or deleting a C# script from Hazelnut now regenerates the C# project
    • C# Assemblies are no longer built into Assets/Scripts/Binaries, they're built into Binaries in the project base directory (although Hazel will still look in Assets/Scripts/Binaries just in case)
  • Added the ability to unparent an Entity via C#
    • Setting Parent to null will now cause the Entity to be unparented
  • Some RigidBody changes
    • Entities with dynamic RigidBodies now store their transform in local space just like all other entities
    • Added setter for RigidBodyComponent.BodyType, meaning we can now convert RigidBodies from static to dynamic (and vice versa) during runtime!
  • Re-added equality operators for Entity and Prefab
  • Runtime now pre-loads all required assets when loading a scene
    • Previously this was done on-demand which caused frame time spikes
    • In the future requires a workflow with domains or something
  • Reworked the editor console GitLab #200, HZ-63
    • Added back Clear on Play button
    • Switched filter icons to Font Awesome glyphs, they look better and they don't require us to use additional textures
    • Console is no longer cleared after 500 (499) messages
    • Console now automatically scrolls to the latest message
    • Automatic scrolling only happens if you're scrolled all the way to the bottom, meaning it can be stopped by scrolling up in the console
  • Added Depth of Field
    • C# bindings for DOF settings
    • Added Show Gizmos in Play Mode
    • Can also now control gizmos in play mode if setting is checked
    • Added Renderer::CopyImage
    • Added ImageUsage::HostRead
    • Added Transfer bool to ImageSpecification for transfer ops
    • ValueWrapper/FieldStorage fixes (needs more fixing)
  • Added Spot Lights
    • Only one shadow casting spot light for now
    • Added proper soft shadow support for spot lights
    • Added discard to Renderer2D.glsl shader for better transparency
  • Changed TransformComponent to store rotation as quaternion
    • Import of assets where a sub-mesh is rotated around Y-Axis by an exact multiple of 90 degrees
    • Distortion of animated assets if bones are similarly Gimbal-Locked
    • Rotating via ImGuizmo no longer forces rotation into range -180 to 180.
    • Activating ImGuizmo over a an Entity with gimbal locked rotation is now less likely to inadvertently change the transform.
    • No small drift due numerical precision issues in matrix operations.
  • SHIFT-CLICK in viewport now selects "root" Entity
    • SHIFT-CLICKING the left mouse button in the viewport will now select the clicked-on objects top-level Entity. This is useful when the object you've clicked on is a small part of a dynamic mesh: SHIFT-CLICK will now select the whole object, which makes it easy to move that object around or CTRL-D duplicate it.
    • RIGHT-CTRL, and SHIFT keys now affect selection also (used to be only LEFT-CTRL, LEFT-SHIFT)
    • If an Entity is selected, then any meshes in child entities are also submitted to the renderer as "selected" (this gives you the orange outline in the viewport around the Entityand all of its children, so you can see much clearer exactly what will be moved around if you were to change selected entities transform etc.)
  • C# Entities can now be compared using == and !=
  • Added DOUBLE CLICKING on an asset field in a component now opens that asset in the relevant editor / window
  • Some multi-entity gizmo changes
    • Rotation gizmo is now rendered correctly when rotating multiple entities at once
    • Disabled scaling gizmo when editing multiple entities due to severe bug. Scaling via the properties panel still works
  • Added AudioEventsManager class to process and dispatch Audio Events
  • Material Tables now use AssetHandles instead of Ref<MaterialAsset>
  • Added a way to set entities' transforms to the Editor Camera's transform + alternate ways to create cameras in scene

Changes ♻️


  • Changed default ScriptModulePath to Assets/Scripts/Binaries
  • Changed Hazel::Timer internally to use microseconds instead of nanoseconds for HUGE performance gains
  • Reworked how Content Browser items being "opened" is handled
    • The new method of handling Content Browser item activation is now more inline with other item actions
    • The new method allows other areas of the engine to handle item activation, so EditorLayer now handles when a scene asset is double clicked, by opening it in the viewport
    • This new method will also allow e.g script files to be opened in Visual Studio by DOUBLE CLICKING on it in the future (planning on adding that soon)
  • Improved Convex Mesh Collider Cooking
    • It's no longer possible to set a zero-area triangle threshold of 0 (will be capped at 0.01)
    • If we fail to cook a convex submesh because a zero-area triangle was detected we will attempt to cook it again without checking for zero-area triangles, since it's more of an optimization. We may want to change this so that we still check for zero-area triangles but set the threshold really low
    • Improved failed cooking log messages
  • PhysicsLayerManager no longer allows having multiple layers with the same name
  • Added virtual functions to AssetEditorPanel to optionally push ImGui style to window
  • Added a guard to AudioCommandsRegistry shutdown to prevent overwriting file with empty registry
  • The open state of panels is now serialized between sessions
  • Box Collider 2D and Circle Collider 2D now takes offset into account
  • Hazel now builds the script core if it's not already built on launch


  • Disabled the mesh viewer GitLab #138, HZ-163
  • Disabled grid by default when scene is playing HZ-50
  • Changed the mesh importer to take the correct value for roughness
  • Creating a new Entity in a parent will now position the child at the parents origin
  • Added (Static) MeshComponent::Visible
  • Added support for public C# strings again
  • Prefab internal workflow fixes and improvements HZ-58, HZ-56, HZ-55, HZ-52
    • SceneHierarchyPanel will now no longer silently remove Prefab components from entities when asset handle is invalid
    • Instead will display Entity text in red, retaining Prefab component
    • Added "Advanced Mode" to Hazelnut to support additional UI that normally shouldn't be visible
    • This includes viewing the PrefabComponent in Properties panel for Entity
    • Changed UI::PropertyInput for uint64_t to have default step value of 0, meaning steps will not be displayed
  • Shaders are now included in the Hazelnut project
  • When loading a scene, if there is a newer auto-save then prompt to load that one instead
  • Added shortcut for directory creation in the Content Browser CTRL + SHIFT + N HZ-49
  • Added Content Browser Icons
  • Added Component Icons
  • Removed shortcut for scene creation previously CTRL + N

Audio 🎧

  • Added ALT + CLICK to remove connections from a node pin
  • Now only one connection can be connected to any given node input
  • Proper sorting of nodes before save/compile

Scripting 📜

  • Added settable controller axis deadzones
  • Extended controller button polling to include events like Held / Pressed / Released
  • Extended mouse button polling to include events like Held / Pressed / Released
  • C# Assemblies are no longer considered assets
  • Script Engine is now directly notified when C# assemblies are modified
  • Restored code that initializes runtime duplicated entities and Prefabs (now checked every frame)
  • Private fields are now considered "hidden"

Projects 🧰

  • Newly created projects will now have the default meshes HZ-30
  • Replaced default meshes from FBX to GLTF
  • Recent project paths are now verified, and if they are not valid they will be removed

Bug Fixes 🐞

  • Fixed beginning second property grid in script components when there are no fields in the script to render
  • Fixed Content Browser Item being stuck in rename when its added from outside of the editor
  • Fixed Editor Console messages not being cleared when switching projects HZ-199
  • Fixed meshes with invalid mesh sources attempting to be packaged into the asset pack
  • Fixed clearing materials not working for multiple entities
  • Fixed an unnamed entity having an empty string as a display name.
  • Fixed weird behavior where importing meshes would create memory-only copies of mesh materials
  • Fixed sound graph sources not being released when finished
  • Fixed clicking outside the "Build Asset Pack" popup closing it fully
  • Fixed "Build Asset Pack" popup not closing automatically when done HZ-195
  • Fixed Rotation gizmo being rendered incorrectly when rotating multiple entities at once
  • Fixed crash where starting an asset pack build while another one is happening would crash the engine
  • Fixed runtime not having a asset pack path by default HZ-194
  • Fixed Skybox being rendered incorrectly when SkyLightComponent is present but not set to anything HZ-135 HZ-198
  • Fixed long filenames exceeding thumbnail in content browser HZ-191
  • Fixed the issue when Audio Commands Registry being overwritten by loading a different project HZ-152
  • Fixed scripting issue - Hazel now builds the projects C# DLL when loading the project if it hasn't been built yet HZ-158
  • Fixed wrong amount of materials being displayed on mesh changes HZ-85
  • Fixed "Open Visual Studio Solution" always opening the solution for the first project loaded HZ-192
  • Fixed unsafe access to s_Controllers map
  • Fixed crash when loading mesh with an embedded texture HZ-173
  • Fixed crash when instantiating a prefab via C# and then destroying it within the same frame HZ-181
  • Fixed not being able to delete items in the Content Browser without the mouse HZ-83
  • Fixed Sound Config changes not updating loaded Sound Config assets. HZ-166
  • Fixed AddComponent Popup showing on the primary monitor if Hazelnut is open on the secondary monitor HZ-49
  • Fixed items not being deselected if navigated out through the breadcrumb
  • Fixed lights being positioned incorrectly in play mode while parented to a physics body HZ-180
  • Fixed crash on simulation stop where a 2D RigidBody is present HZ-179
  • Fixed 2D Colliders being displayed only in editor scene.
  • Fixed "Show Physics Colliders" for selected Entity only working on PhysX colliders HZ-157
  • Fixed skybox getting distorted when the camera is far away from the origin of the world HZ-175
  • Fixed new scenes always having the name "UntitledScene" HZ-170
  • Fixed incorrectly displayed bounding boxes HZ-174
  • Fixed C# assembly not being reloaded consistently HZ-158
  • Removed stack trace from GetComponent when no component is found
  • Fixed VulkanSDK not being able to be downloaded through Setup.bat
  • Fixed asset renaming being very bugged HZ-45, HZ-150, HZ-155
  • Fixed crash when a FixedJointComponent without a connected Entity set is in the scene HZ-168
  • Fixed items being activated if an item was double clicked whilst renaming HZ-167
  • Fixed pre-loading of audio sources and added preview for sound configs with audio file sources.
  • Fixed Arcball camera not working when mouse would navigate outside of the viewport HZ-138
  • Fixed crash when removing a script component while playing HZ-165
  • Fixed Hazelnut not updating when deleting files from outside the editor HZ-161
  • Fixed bug with dragging a scene to the "Default Scene" field HZ-78
  • Fixed crash when showing bounding boxes while having entities with no mesh assigned
  • Fixed renaming bug when creating new folders HZ-45, HZ-150, HZ-155
  • Fixed crash caused by not clearing file system watcher callbacks when unloading a project
  • Fixed asset creation issue for duplicate default names HZ-149
  • Fixed issue with selecting a folder immediately after creating it HZ-150
  • Fixed crash when opening Audio Events editor in a new project HZ-145
  • Fixed old C# classes showing up in asset dropdown menu after they've been renamed
  • Fixed crash when using the RIGHT-CLICK "Duplicate" option in the Content Browser
  • Fixed scene name not being displayed properly (was always "UntitledScene") HZ-137
  • Fixed crash when calling Physics.Raycast2D from C# HZ-133
  • Fixed Editor Console not being thread safe
  • Fixed runtime arrays not functioning for C# classes (only worked for e.g int, float, etc...)
  • Fixed a crash caused by destroying runtime entities that had scripts
  • Fixed RigidBodies not having correct translation when instantiated using InstantiateChild HZ-179
  • Fixed wrong label for BoxColliderComponent HalfSize
  • Fixed crash when caching C# structs
  • Fixed Soundgraph default values not working GitLab #204
  • Fixed setting reference type values in C# arrays from C++
  • Fixed Entity.As<>() returning nullptr if the script instance hasn't been instantiated
  • Fixed Script components serialized with ModuleName not deserializing properly
  • Fixed jankyness with loading C# DLLs (we now properly support loading from both Assets/Scripts/Binaries as well as ProjectDirectory/Binaries)
  • Fixed arrays not being set in the C# runtime
  • Fixed runtime length getter crashing for null arrays
  • Fixed string fields crashing the runtime (due to data being interpreted incorrectly)
  • Scripting engine now differentiates between script entities and instances of scripts (in terms of storage at least)
  • Reloading now works + arrays no longer have to be handled separately
  • Fixed Prefabs not working with script components
  • Fixed issue where reader for audio files is not created if the file is not in Sound Bank
  • Fixed RIGHT-CLICKING deselecting everything in the Content Browser
  • Fixed crash when deleting a child Entity along with its parent
  • Fixed AudioCommandsRegistry lifetime not being tied to Project lifetime GitLab #199
  • Fixed Closing sound graph editor after adding a new graph property crashes Hazelnut GitLab #202
  • Fixed new project not appearing in Recent Projects
  • Fixed zero duration animations not being ignored when importing DCC
  • Fixed renaming a sound graph property causing it to lose its value GitLab #201
  • Fixed Scripting->ShowHiddenFields not being deserialized
  • Fixed major issue in ImGuiUtilities where string format would not match data type
  • Fixed Prefab updating crash HZ-58, HZ-56
  • Fixed AssetManager not correctly generating unique names past (01)
  • Fixed PhysX crash on runtime shutdown
  • Fixed bug with deserializing physics layer IDs
  • Fixed actor lock flags being cast to the wrong type
  • Fixed not being able to deselect using CTRL in Content Browser
  • Fixed possible PhysX Debugger leak
  • Fixed spotlight shadows
  • Fixed AudioCommandsRegistry being Shutdown twice on Application shutdown
  • Fixed parameter not being applied if it is the only parameter of the sound graph
  • Fixed hash still working incorrectly with substring string_view
  • Fixed Identifier taking whole data pointed to by string_view
  • Fixed delete popup to no longer be triggered by pressing Delete while renaming HZ-59
  • Fixed a crash that could happen while renaming and pressing escape
  • Fixed crash when attempting to post invalid trigger GitLab #197
  • Fixed Links connected to orphan nodes are compiling and crashing. GitLab #198
  • Fixed reading wave source issue
  • Fixed audio registry not being shutdown on project change
  • Fixed recursive including between ImGui.h and ImGuiWidgets.h
  • Fixed crash caused by referencing Materials from C#
  • Fixed entities being able to be deleted if the viewport or scene hierarchy wasn't focused
  • Fixed not being able to deselect entities using CTRL + CLICK after SHIFT selecting
  • Fixed incorrect mixed values for transform components
  • Fixed node link not drawing when "Create New Node" popup activates
  • Fixed issue with quick dragging link from a pin
  • Fixed crash caused by having C# arrays with null values in them
  • Fixed issue with C#``Entity caching
  • Fixed C# exceptions causing engine to crash GitLab #196
  • Fixed Entity not being saved when having a static RigidBody GitLab #194
  • Fixed Hazel Tools extension not catching exceptions properly
  • Fixed crash that would happen when we try to make an array field hidden
  • Fixed SHIFT selecting not working in Scene Hierarchy Panel
  • Fixed old rotation API being used for Spot Lights post-merge
  • Fix CTRL-D sometimes not duplicating things
  • Fix scripts not working for Prefabs instantiated during runtime
  • Fixed radius not being passed into Physics.SphereCast
  • Fixed some issues with scripting
    • Fixed issue where Hazel would consider a field both public and private at times
    • Fixed crash caused by attempting to call a constructor on a struct
    • Fixed crash when converting a MonoArray to std::vector
  • Fix crash when trying to set value of a script field of type bool
  • Fixed some Editor Panel issues / code styles
    • Removed redundant if (!isOpen) checks from editor panels
    • Wrapped all editor panels ImGui code inside ImGui::Begin scope
    • Also cleaned up ImGui::Begin if statements to ensure that ImGui::End is called even if begin returns false (this is how the ImGui examples does it)
  • Fixed crash that would happen when duplicating an Entity with a ScriptComponent that also has children
  • Fixed crash that would happen when instantiating a Prefab or duplicating an Entity that has an invalid script attached
  • Fixed minor issue where the scene name would not be copied in Scene::CopyTo
  • Fixed a crash that would happen when getting a null C# fields value
  • Fixed constructor calling to always call the parameterless constructor
  • Fixed incorrect types passed to ValueWrapper in ScriptUtils::GetDefaultValueForType
  • Fixed crash when clearing a C# class in a ScriptComponent
  • Fixed ValueWrappers buffer getting corrupted on a copy-assignment (would occur if it tried to do a copy assignment on itself)
  • Fixed crash when trying to get collider debug mesh if it doesn't exist
  • Fixed children not being displayed when parent is searched for in scene hierarchy panel
  • Fixed Create New Project crash GitLab #191
  • Fix multi-select in scene hierarchy not working
  • Fixed crash where project would try and load non-existent scene
  • Fixed Hazel-ScriptCore being built into wrong directory
  • Removed option for reloading C# assembly on play
  • Fixed Hazel displaying the wrong link GitLab #190
  • Fixed some scripting related issues
    • Hazel can now automatically reload C# DLLs on build again
    • Hazel now detects if an asset has the wrong asset type specified in the AssetRegistry file (and automatically corrects it)
    • Fixed AssetType::ScriptModule being serialized as Script
    • Some slight refactoring in ScriptEngine to get reloading to work properly again + clean up some code
    • Fixed incorrect C# PDB type set in premake files
    • C# DLLs now appear in the Content Browser (we may want to prevent this in the future)
  • Fixed Normal and Metalness maps no being able to be cleared GitLab #189
  • Fix crash when importing animation asset with missing tracks
  • Fix rendering of dynamic meshes that have mix of animated and non-animated sub-meshes
  • Fix crash when dragging mesh asset into scene
  • Fix an issue caused by merge of scripting branch
  • Fixed issue with default value in FieldStorage
  • Fixed crash when iterating over script entities on runtime shutdown
  • Fixed C# arrays not working properly with Hazelnut
  • Fixed crash when trying to get a debug mesh collider without having cooked the collider mesh
  • Fixed C# ValueTypes being boxed when setting from Hazelnut
  • Fixed naming of script internal calls for SetParameter
  • Fixed audio issues with surround audio endpoint devices
  • Fixed crash related to rendering audio node for failed to initialize sound source.
  • Fixed clean up failing to initialize sources and objects
  • Fix crashes on Hazelnut exit HZ-147